I Want a Love by Janne Robinson


….Are you there?

I have a request

I want a love that tastes like the crunchy bottom bits of lettuce

That smells like rain and freshly cut cedar

A love that isn’t daunted by morning breath kisses

That doesn’t desire cake shoved in its face

Or a diamond ring

I want a love that is full of zaniness

A love where our souls intertwine fingers

Smile with glee and make our ice cream cones smooch

I want a love that doesn’t flee from work,

Yes, I said work.

A work that maintains euphoria

A work that strengthens connection

Stretches desire

Outlives the momentary excitement of a honeymoon

I want a love that wants to be exposed

Taken into the daylight

Shouted from mountaintops

Undressed in a smile

That is defined simply by its existence

Barefoot in vulnerability

I want a lover that tends the fire in my heart willingly

Nurtures it patiently

Stokes it up

Lets it howl

And smolder slowly

I want a love that can sit quiescently

I want a love that can surpass distance

A love that scoffs at insecurity and jealousy

Exceeds entitlement

Saturated in rapture

A love that demands more imagination than dinner and a movie

I want a love where we make forts,

Throw pasta on walls to see if it’s finished

Make love on counter tops and let dinner burn

I want a love where we tickle ’til we bruise and may just burst open

I want a love where we can make love with our finger tips and our toes

I want a lover who shows up

I want a partner who can carry my mountain and his own

Across rivers, and over prairies.

I want a lover who knows the importance of space in our togetherness

I want a lover who never quits expanding

I want a love where our spirits dance

And we wake up with I love yous and fall asleep in gratitude

And that’s enough.

It was practically balmy yesterday at a whopping 37 degrees. Today, we are well below freezing. So all that snow that melted under the sun’s glorious rays yesterday has turned to slippery, deathly ice. I’m so ready for Spring to swoop in and kick Winter’s ass.

This is a couple of days late but Happy Birthday to Anais Nin and Nina Simone. Two of my absolute favorite women in the world. I celebrated their life and works on Saturday by listening to copious amounts of Nina and reading some of my favorite erotica by Anais.